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Référence de l'API LogicalDOC

LogicalDOC fournit des API SOAP et RESTful riches qui vous permettent d'intégrer complètement LogicalDOC dans votre application ou système tiers.

The easiest way to interface with LogicalDOC's API's is by using one of our bindings and samples. These are completely open source, and cover core functionality in a language specific way so that your integration work will be as quick as possible.

SOAP and RESTful Web Services

The LogicalDOC's web services are compliant with the SOAP standard and RESTful specifications and a dedicated end-point is provided for each functional area.

The definition of each web service is always available directly from your instance at http://<your_server>:8080/services

From here you will also have access to the WSDL document, that will allow your development environment to automatically create all the appropriate proxy objects to speed-up the development.

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