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20 avril 2022

Business Process Management and Workflow Automation

Insights on Business Process Management and Workflow Automation

While Business Process Management (BPM) is a distinct subject, it is strongly related to document management and workflow. Documents are used in almost all business procedures. Decision-making is also a part of the business process. Identifying and electronically recording, or mapping, your business process and its rules are known as the workflow process, or at least automated rules-based workflow. This allows systems to make rules-based judgments, allowing your company to do business more quickly. Employees who perform various functions in various departments are now aware of your company's workflow.

Your procedures are a significant resource for your company. On the other hand, your employees take this information home every day. Who takes over their responsibilities when they call in sick, resign, or get promoted? Do their successors, most critically, know what to do? Even worse, are you paying your staff to perform routine tasks?

The value of an employee comes from their ability to make judgments that cannot be automated rather than from their ability to execute repetitive duties. Why do we pay employees to perform the same thing every day? Although not all jobs can be entirely automated, your employees will be considerably more productive if you have a well-defined document management procedure.

Processes in Business

What is the definition of BPM (Business Process Management) ?

It's spending the time to learn about your company procedures so you can figure out what the best ones are. Just because a company has been using the same approach for years does not indicate it is efficient. BPM begins by examining the present condition of business processes, or the as-is state.

The next stage is to figure out what the best methods are or what the to-be state is. You may then automate the workflow to eliminate previously needed employees' phases after discovering, mapping, and simplifying your processes. This is the power of business process management (BPM) and workflow process automation.

Automation of Workflows

If you use your Document Management System to automate workflow processes, you must first identify the documents and the procedures for each step. We may include procedures in our invoicing example where the department seeking the original purchase files a buy request. The system could go through the demand to see whether it's within budget or if it's from a trusted vendor.

The purchase request might be automatically authorized, and a purchase order created if everything meets the established requirements. If anything does not comply with the automatic approval standards, the purchase request may be forwarded to a higher-level individual for approval. After that individual approves or rejects the request, the procedure can proceed to the following automated phase.

The instance above may or may not be representative of your business policies. It makes no difference. BPM is the process of identifying your processes' rules to automate them. Furthermore, business process management (BPM) isn't simply for accounting. Business Process Management can review every business process in your company, from sales to human resources, from contract production to claims processing.

Workflow Mapping Business ProcessesLet's fast forward to when the vendor sends the purchased items. An automatic message to the department to pick up or check their shipment might have been triggered by receiving paperwork being filled in at the loading dock. The load may subsequently be subject to department approval. Once the cargo has been approved, an accounting notification may be sent to settle the invoice and take advantage of the discount.

Every firm is unique and has its own set of requirements. What is constant is that most procedures can be automated to increase efficiency. Records management and compliance are the last pieces of the document management puzzle.

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