Preview of DICOM images

The acronym DICOM: Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine, is an international standard that defines in the biomedical field a series of compliance of files thanks to which it is possible an interchange between equipment belonging to different manufacturers.
DICOM declares the criteria for the visualization, communication, printing and archiving of information in the biomedical sector and also allows to incorporate and process parts of text in documents of various types, for example PDF.
The DICOM standard covers both the formats to be used for the storage of digital medical images and the related digital data, and the protocols to be adopted to implement different communication services that are useful in the medical imaging workflow.
DICOM was born in 1993 on the initiative of the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). At the time, the previous ACR-NEMA standard was radically transformed into version 3.0 in which numerous services were added and the TCP/IP and ISO/OSI network protocols were implemented. The new standard was identified with the term DICOM, and its integration into the specifications of the TCP/IP network protocol made it increasingly popular.
The presence of DICOM as a digital archiving method is indispensable in the radiological sector, where images of radiological data or radiographs themselves are commonly called "DICOM images".
Today the advanced compatibility of the DICOM standard allows the archiving of images even in a compressed way using JPEG, JPEG Lossy, Jpeg Lossless and others, which allow universal management with reproduction and printing devices.
Starting from LogicalDOC 8.3, the preview of medical documents in DICOM format is available.
By activating the preview on the side menu or clicking the link preview from the contextual menu, the pre-visualization mode is activated.
LogicalDOC recognizes documents in DICOM format from the .dcm file extension
Within the DICOM preview module, many functions are available: modification of brightness, contrast, color filters, Zoom, tools for measuring distances, angles and areas.
Other interesting functions are also available such as the animation of sequences, threshold filters and the freehand and guided drawing tools.