The 5 main advantages of cloud computing in the smart working regime

In recent years we have been hearing more and more about Cloud Computing, but what is cloud computing in practice?
Cloud computing is the technology that allows a supplier to distribute its services through the internet, thus allowing customers to take advantage of applications that do not require installation (and therefore hardware infrastructure), configurations and maintenance.
In particular, the most used cloud systems are those that allow the processing, sharing and management of data across the network between multiple users, especially in this period where one of the most used words is smart working.
The use of business applications in the cloud
Speaking of business applications in the cloud, we can say that in recent years there are many companies that are transferring a large part of their systems to the cloud, overcoming the fear of having their data on the network to make their work processes more agile and streamlined.
The reason for this change is mainly economic because developing business applications is expensive, "heavy" in terms of software and hardware, also and above all for the necessary maintenance and for the constant necessary updating that requires technical personnel to be employed.
Therefore, cloud services become more sought after and appreciated because they allow to eliminate a good part of these problems and these expenses. In this way, the client company purchases only the features it needs, updates occur automatically, scalability is guaranteed as well as security and backup.
Applications based on the cloud, as well as our LogicalDOC Cloud Document Management System, have short implementation times and are much more competitive than in the past, but above all they allow you to organize your archive and share documents in a simple and fast way: you open the browser, log in with your credentials, and you will find the documents you need in the blink of an eye!
Business applications increasingly Mobile
We have therefore seen how cloud computing has become an increasingly considered reality when it comes to choosing business applications, now the question is in today's scenario that has forced us all to smart working for a company it is better to use applications in the cloud or create internal infrastructures to be accessed remotely?
If we take our LogicalDOC document management system as an example, we can make two distinctions by looking at the price list:
On the one hand, installing document management software on your servers allows you to save on the software itself (LogicalDOC in the Enterprise and Business versions has a one-off cost).
On the other hand, however, the topics just discussed return: hardware has a cost, must be maintained and updated, dedicated staff are needed.
But above all, the crucial point is another: if our collaborators working remotely have to connect and download documents often, the upload bandwidth could be clogged. Maybe other important business applications are installed on the same server and this can cause freezes and slowdowns.
Therefore, we can define a definitely smarter choice using the cloud application to allow all our collaborators to work efficiently remotely without burdening the upload bandwidth of the company server and maintaining a high level of efficiency of all processes.
By the way, did you know that LogicalDOC has recently released the new app for Android devices ?!
Click here for the video on our YouTube channel
In summary the advantages of cloud computing
So, let's make a summary of the 5 main advantages that cloud computing offers compared to the installation of applications on company servers:
1. Greater flexibility
The company has the ability to deploy applications according to their needs, increasing or decreasing them with agility without always having to consider the investments in physical hardware.
2. System security
Data and networks are protected with specific protocols and are practically always equipped with backup procedures (with LogicalDOC the backup is incremental and equipped with disaster recovery procedures).
3. Faster speed
Immediate availability of data and information, thanks to dedicated data bands with high capacities.
4. Mobile access
This can obviously also happen with a system on a company server, but the use of cloud computing allows you not to burden the company network. The data connection can thus be made in any place, time and from any device: smartphone, PC, tablet.
5. Saving money
Cloud computing allows great savings on investments in hardware and does not require maintenance, updating and monitoring personnel.
These are the main reasons that are making cloud computing emerge more and more, proposing it as a more than valid alternative already in the present, especially if we consider that more and more companies are promoting smart working (now out of necessity but in the not too distant future it could be become the norm).