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3 mai 2024

LogicalDOC 8.9.1. Discover the improvements!

LogicalDOC bursts into the document management environment with version 8.9.1, which is more secure, efficient, and high-performance. LogicalDOC guarantees its users the highest reference standards to keep up with new challenges and ensure an optimized working environment.
With LogicalDOC 8.9.1, you have a reliable and powerful tool for managing your documents quickly and safely.

Update Java 

Version 8.9.1 is a new release that implements new functions and works on high reference standards.
To ensure full operability and security, it is essential to support LogicalDOC with up-to-date execution software platforms. 
If you have not already done so, we remind you to install at least version Java 17 before installing LogicalDOC 8.9.1 to ensure the stability of the new release's performance. 

New features on document-level security policies

With the new version 8.9.1, it is now possible to express access privileges not only on the folder but also on individual documents. It is possible to limit the visibility and manipulation functions of a single document towards groups or individual users.
By selecting a document, a new tab appears, which allows you to quickly and easily manage access privileges.

 Improved Document-type extended attributes

New types of document-type extended attributes (metadata) are available. In practice, a document's metadata can reference another document; this is especially useful in form-generated documents. For example, a generated document could contain a reference to a CV. 

New features for uploading files to web forms.

Ability to define file-type fields in the definition of a Web form.
Previously, you could only fill in the data, but now you can also add files when filling out the web forms

Improved Security Policies for both users and groups on Stamps

With LogicalDOC, users can apply stamps to all documents in PDF format or convertible to PDF to sign them or declare a specific status. It has always been possible to define different stamps, activate and deactivate them, and assign them to specific users. With version 8.9.1, you will be able to express access criteria to stamps (stamps or watermarks) for users and groups, which will further increase security.
This way, for example, you can restrict access to a watermark that represents a holographic signature.

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