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Custom Reports

Custom Reports

The Custom Reports package leverages the reporting features of Eclipse BIRT, enabling users to create reports on the application's activity, directly from LogicalDOC. Users can create and generate reports, defining what statistics they want to compute. The report models are based on BIRT report files that have been imported in LogicalDOC. All the parameters defined in the BIRT report file are extracted and asked to the user that executes the report itself.
The execution of a report produces a plain document in a given folder, so normal users can read it depending on the security policies.


Benefits of this feature

  • Administrators and power users can define specific reports to take over control the documents base
  • Normal users can access the published reports to perform business intelligence tasks

Feature details

  • Really easy and advanced report designer (BIRT)
  • Different output formats: PDF or HTML
  • Reports publihed as documents in the repository

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