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Search the documents in different ways

Search the documents in different ways

Search and retrieve documents is very simple in LogicalDOC, a quick search box is always available in the user interface allowing you to immediately find your documents from wherever in the application.

Full-text document searches on content and / or on any selection of metadata returns immediate results. In addition you could use other search tools like the tag search that allows you to find all documents tagged with a specific tag.

fulltext search

Search criteria can include everything from standard properties to custom template fields. Document searches are fast and results are immediately returned. The results of a search are ordered by the core and a snippet is available for a better consultation.

Different algorithms are applied depending on the language of the document so that the search will be very tailored and able to detect word variants that are specific for a particular language.

Benefits of this feature

  • Drastically reduces the need for data entry since the full content of a document is automatically indexed and this is enough to find the desired informations
  • Users are able to find the required informations in a bunch of seconds
  • The full-text search is always available in the user interface
  • Parametric search directly on metadata in the database
  • Full-text search on contents and meta-data
  • Create virtual files using the same tags on the documents

Feature details

  • Filter search results by language, folder, size, date, or document class
  • Tag search, specialized search to find all documents tagged with particular tags
  • Text snippets
  • Document selection and direct editing
  • Parametric search allows you to perform specific searches on all document metadata
  • Save custom searches so that they can be re-used
  • Recording of search events for inspection and subsequent processing
  • More details in the User's Guide

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