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Web Interface for Mobile Devices

Web Interface for Mobile Devices

Mobile Web interfaceWorldwide, there are more than 5 billion people who own a smartphone. According to recent studies, the number of users accessing the Internet on their smartphones has more than doubled in the past 5 years, as has the number of users downloading and using mobile apps. Of those who use the Internet or email on their phones, more than a third go online primarily through their handheld devices.

LogicalDOC already have a number of native Apps for leading mobile operating systems: iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android, alongside the new App for Amazon Kindle Fire. However, as day after day appear new mobile operating systems, and the balance of power between the existing ones are constantly changing, we decided to also implement a new Web interface for mobile devices.

It is a Web-based interface, so based on Web standards and unlike the native Apps does not require installing any application on your device, to access just use the browser that it is available as standard on any mobile phone or tablet.




Thanks to this new interface, when accessed from a mobile device, the browser is automatically redirected to a dedicated web interface designed specifically for tablets and smart phones.

Benefits of this feature

  • No need to install new Apps
  • Automatic device detection and redirection to the mobile interface
  • Compatible with most operating systems
  • Access to documents on the move

Feature details

  • Ability to walk the document tree
  • View of the document and its properties
  • Edit document metadata
  • Document preview and download
  • Full-text search on the document repository
  • Option to create new documents and delete older ones

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