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Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

With LogicalDOC's integrated calendar, it's easy to keep track of corporate's important events all in one place.

Let your colleagues see your calendar, and view schedules that others have shared with you on a selection of documents.

Get event reminders via email sent right to your mobile device or desktop PC. With LogicalDOC’s integrated calendar it is very simple to collaborate with you co-workers and organize event-centric processes. For each document you will be able to track the events in which they are involved.

User Calendar
Document Calendar
Event Details

Benefits of this feature

  • All the corporate's events are shared and notified routed to the right person
  • The document management calendar can enforce your corporate policies
  • More control on efficiency and completion time for all the business processes

Feature details

  • Multiple documents can be associated to the same event
  • Multiple users can be associated to the same event
  • Notifications and schedule reminders via email
  • Support for recurring events

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Nos bureaux sont situés dans le monde entier avec des assistants multilingues pour vous aider à résoudre vos besoins de gestion de documents.
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