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Auditing and Events Subscription

Auditing and Events Subscription

Subscriptions keep people informed when changes, updates, or other important events occur in the system. For example, automatically receive email notifications every time a certain document is modified, or when a new document is added to a project folder.

The event subscription feature in LogicalDOC lets administrators and users to implement something like a lightweight workflow system instead of a formal and rigid business process modeling.

Benefits of this feature

  • Receive automatic notifications when documents are changed
  • Stay informed when new files are added to specific folders
  • Monitor the work of your colleagues to review documents if needed
  • In combination with workflow, automatically launch tasks for specific business processes

Feature details

  • Subscription on the events of single documents
  • Subscription on the events of specific folders and sub-folders
  • Received e-mail reports contain all needed informations: source, date, events, user ...
  • More details in the User's Guide

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