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Multi Volumes Storage

Multi Volumes Storage

LogicalDOC maintains a repository of all loaded documents. The same repository contains not only the files of the documents, but also all past revisions and all these informations are maintained in a reliable and secure file system structure.

Multi Volumes Storage

The LogicalDOC repository may span multiple volumes, so when a volume becomes full, you can add another disk and continue storing documents into this new volume. As an interesting option for any volume you can choose to compress and crypt the saved informations.

Benefits of this feature

  • High scalability by adding new volumes when you need more storage
  • Your document can be crypted so even if your server is hacked, no one can access your reserved documents

Feature details

  • Volumes can be added at runtime from the administration
  • For each single volume you can choose to compress and crypt all the contained informations
  • You can realize any combination of crypted and uncrypted volumes

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