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Extract fields from scans with Zonal OCR

Extract fields from scans with Zonal OCR

Zonal OCR is a type of optical character recognition implemented by LogicalDOC that allows the software to read specific areas or "zones" of a document. These zones are determined by setting up proper OCR templates in the LogicalDOC's administration. The zones designer is embedded in the web interface and does not require the installation of any third party software.

Most companies want to increase the ROI of their existing infrastructure, leveraging the ability to capture data and documents from any source, transform it into data and share it across the enterprise in an organized, secure and cost-efficient way.

The capture solution we provide is easy to use and enables organizations to quickly reduce costs and improve productivity.

Benefits of this feature

  • Transform paper documents, forms and e-documents into accurate, retrievable business information
  • Metadata can easily be extracted from scans
  • Scanning data flow can now be automated
  • Improve processing times & Customer satisfaction
  • Saves costs with Drive Automation features

Feature details

  • No need for an external editor of zones
  • Immediate processing or batch processing though a specific scheduled task
  • Different supported formats: images, PDFs, other file formats
  • Feature accessible by the Automation and Webservices API

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