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Sign documents with the Digital Signature Client

Sign documents with the Digital Signature Client

Digital Signature Client is a Windows tool that helps you to quickly sign documents with an electronic digital signature in LogicalDOC.

Unlike the functionality available from the web interface, it allows the user to use the certificates present on their PC or to use hardware signing devices such as smartcards (HSM) and private signature tokens.

Thanks to the digital signature client, the user can apply qualified and legally valid digital signatures to documents compliant with EU Regulation no. 910/2014 (eIDAS Regulation) for electronic transactions within the European internal market.

Benefits of this feature

  • Digitally sign your documents
  • Give legal validity to your files by signing with your personal certificate
  • Saves costs of handling paper documents with physical signatures inside
  • Documents can be signed with a qualified electronic signature
  • Quick loading of signed documents via Drag & Drop

Feature details

  • No need to enter the web interface
  • Can work with all the certificates installed in your Windows PC
  • Multiple documents signed at once
  • Compatible with a wide range of signature devices
  • PDF Advanced Electronic Signature (PAdES)

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