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Custom Identifier

Custom Identifier

Uniquely identifying documents is very simple and clear in LogicalDOC: each document has an unique number that will identify the item for all it's life in your document management system.

If your organization has it's own rules for identifying documents, LogicalDOC can follow your practices and handle a second unique identifier, the so called Custom Identifier. LogicalDOC assures you that the custom identifier cannot be duplicated so you can use it as your own identifier. Of course the custom identifier is always shown and can be used in searches.

If you want to automate the assignment of custom identifiers to your upcoming or checked-in documents, LogicalDOC allows you to configure different shemas specific to each document template.

Benefits of this feature

  • Define your own identifiers to reach complete compliance with your organization's standards
  • Search for your specific identifiers
  • Leave LogicalDOC to automatically create the custom identifiers on the basis of your organization's rules

Feature details

  • Unique custom identifiers
  • Configurable identification schemas per document template
  • Numeric sequences(yearly, monthly ...) can be used in the identification schema
  • Document selection and direct editing
  • More details in the Administrator's Guide

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